Friday, January 31, 2014

Just Press Play


From a young age, most of us are thrown into it. Maybe it's the piano, singing lessons or blowing your heart out into a recorder in grade school. No matter the type, there's something about a beat that can take you to another place.

Music is one of the most natural forms of releasing any stress or anxiety that life seems to build.

You're allowed to emerse yourself into a world of pure bliss; and that's priceless.

Growing up in Ann Arbor, it's hard not to walk downtown and hear music flowing through the air. It seems to lighten the mood and force smiles on the faces of people walking past.

Pain, success, happiness, sadness-- can all be said through a single note.

Maybe that's why music is a natural escape.

Music led me to explore the guitar-- something I still practice to this day. Something I can't see myself without.

Although I love pressing play and signing along on Pandora theres something about strumming the strings myself that allows a new form of release.


  1. Great blog post! We are a house of music lovers, too! :)

  2. Thank you for sharing, Megan.

    I am also a musician, playing the guitar (first) and piano (picked it up about 4 years ago). You said it perfectly and i absolutely agree that music is a fantastic way to express yourself. What genre do you most like to play?

  3. Jake,

    I picked up the guitar a few years ago and took a class to learn the basics. I find chords online and learn songs based off that. I wouldn't say I play one specific genre, mostly just songs I enjoy listening to!

  4. Hey, that's a great way to play! Bravo to following your passion!
