Saturday, February 22, 2014

There's Hope for Beliebers

Perhaps Justin Bieber has cleaned up his act after being in a somewhat sour spotlight lately...or maybe mom is forcing it.

Pattie Mallette, Bieber's mom, joined him at the recording studio last Thursday to strike a chord with her son (hopefully Baby wasn't one of them.)

E! News posted the video of Mallette singing in the booth and hey, she doesn't sound half bad! the two spent plenty of quality time together accompanied by a mother/son photo and loving Tweets about their time together(awe).

The young heart throb that was once looking for one less lonely girl, but instead got himself into a heap of trouble lately. Perhaps all it takes is some parental correction and focusing more on the music.

''belieber or not, what are your opinions on Justin and where do you think he's headed?

Friday, February 14, 2014

He Came in Like a Wreaking Ball!


It feels like it was just yesterday when Miley Cyrus debuted her song Wreaking Ball  and crashed it into society's face.

Her intense display of emotions brought mixed feelings to everyone who viewed it. It isn't every day you see someone licking inanimate objects or swinging on large metal balls. Non-the-less, Cyrus managed to gab the attention of millions.

Some loved it, some hated it, some were trying to reenact it.

Students at Grand Valley could barely contain themselves and left the University no choice but to take down a 'wreaking ball' art piece from the campus.

It brought a ton of publicity not only to herself, but to her morals and reputation. She's definitely come a long way from the innocent days of Hannah Montana.

Despite your feelings on the video, most can agree it was somewhat entertaining.

At least UFC fighter Mark Munoz thought so when he created his own version of Cyrus' music video.

Munoz created the bit for the 6th annual MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) awards, which occurred last Friday.

In his video he reconstructs the words to better explain his life and goals in fighting.

I found it to be somewhat comical and an unnatural, but a creative approach for advertising yourself as a wrestler.

Watch his video and decide for yourself!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Who's Really Looking at your Social Media

The world of social media is prominent in almost every aspect of life. Not only just for personal use, but  for businesses who want to find new ways to engage with their audiences.

 Five years ago my parents would have been worried about their daughter paying money to take social media classes. What does one really benefit from learning about the different platforms online? Anyone can create an account and post information, how would this be a profitable job market?

While creating accounts and publishing content can be done by anyone from anywhere, it's about what you post and who that affects that really matters. Companies are acknowledging the impact social media has on society and professionals in these fields are in high demand! 

Hop onto google and type in the name of your favorite company. Chances are after the first couple of hits, there will be some, or many, social media outlets to connect to; because it's not enough to just have a website. 

These companies are looking for new ways to connect to their audience. By pursuing their brands on social media outlets-- they're connecting without making the customer work for that connection. 

Simply follow your favorite brand and they will become apart of your everyday tweeter feed, Facebook posts, Instagram pictures, whatever the platform may be.

You can see how social media integration is extremely beneficial--but only if you're doing it right. 

Know what platforms your audience uses.

Let's say you're a college student looking for the best deal on an Apple product. So you do a quick search and find Apple's Facebook and Instagram page; you start following both platforms. Every time you check your Facebook or Instagram feed, not only are you being exposed to Apple's content, but you're reading what others think of specific products leading you to a better decision on what to purchase. 

Social media allows businesses to have daily communication with their consumers.

So, whether you're a college student who enjoys posting pics and tweeting tweets, or working for a business involved with social media, know how it's effecting yourself and others. 

Analytic tools are great for keeping track of how your information is being received.  

 Google Analytics gives an ample amount of knowledge about your audience.

Imagine being able to know the gender, age, even location of people who have visited your site. Little creepy? Definitely. Pretty cool? Absolutely. This is a GREAT tool for businesses to have. You know exactly who your market is and how to reach them best!

Try out Google Analytics for yourself and see how to best utilize your platforms.

Klout is a great tool to look at your impact with social media. You simply create an account and attach all social media outlets you use (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, e.t.c.) Klout will tell you what your 'social media' score is and how involved you are on these platforms. 

These are free sites that will show you your impact on social media. Use them for both a professional and personal tool! So what are you waiting for? Create these accounts and see where you score!

To access Klout:
To access Google Analytics: Type 'analytics' into google search