Friday, February 14, 2014

He Came in Like a Wreaking Ball!


It feels like it was just yesterday when Miley Cyrus debuted her song Wreaking Ball  and crashed it into society's face.

Her intense display of emotions brought mixed feelings to everyone who viewed it. It isn't every day you see someone licking inanimate objects or swinging on large metal balls. Non-the-less, Cyrus managed to gab the attention of millions.

Some loved it, some hated it, some were trying to reenact it.

Students at Grand Valley could barely contain themselves and left the University no choice but to take down a 'wreaking ball' art piece from the campus.

It brought a ton of publicity not only to herself, but to her morals and reputation. She's definitely come a long way from the innocent days of Hannah Montana.

Despite your feelings on the video, most can agree it was somewhat entertaining.

At least UFC fighter Mark Munoz thought so when he created his own version of Cyrus' music video.

Munoz created the bit for the 6th annual MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) awards, which occurred last Friday.

In his video he reconstructs the words to better explain his life and goals in fighting.

I found it to be somewhat comical and an unnatural, but a creative approach for advertising yourself as a wrestler.

Watch his video and decide for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I had never previously before seen that version of wrecking ball, so thank you for sharing, hah! Miley has definitely done one thing lately, and that's stay in the spotlight. America is on the edge of it's seat waiting to see what crazy thing she will do next, and I'm sure that's exactly what she wants.
